About Gypsy Ātman

Here at Gypsy Ātman, we are gypsy travelers. We travel all over the world, taking in new sights, sounds, and cultures. We travel inward, as well. This is why the second part of our name is so important. We believe only after you totally lose all the ways you define and label yourself do you find who you truly are. This means experiencing your ātman. Only after this can you experience true bliss. The bliss that doesn’t come from an important job, material or financial success. It comes from slowing down, tuning into how best to heal your body and mind, and planning a routine to create a healthy new normal. And our unique team here at Gypsy Ātman will help you do just this. We can’t wait to meet you and get started.

Riri Patel

My Journey

“Coming to the Himalayas feels like coming home. I feel relief and an all-encompassing, unconditional love. People who come here go back home with the feeling they have started a profound healing journey. When I first traveled here, after a difficult time in my life, I found exactly what I needed. Solitude and deep connection. This helped me heal from the fatigue of my fast-paced New York City life.” -Riri Patel

Bio of our Founder: Riri Patel

Riri spent fifteen years in the luxury event and wedding planning industry before deciding to move to India to extensively study Indian dance, nāda yoga, asanas, Ayurveda, and meditation. Currently, she works with authorities in these fields to help individuals to create healthier lifestyles. She also partners with various women’s communities in the Himalayas to provide products that focus on empowering women in sustainable, eco-friendly ways.

My life transition

In the Kathmandu airport, I was sitting next to two guys with large Osprey bags. Making small talk, I politely asked them, where to next? They said, we don’t know. In that moment, I felt struck with awe and envy, not of them but of their lives. Sitting there in that small airport in an uncomfortable yellow chair, I had a sudden flash of insight. I needed to immediately change my life. I was burnt-out both personally and professionally from a hectic, overscheduled life.

When I was back home in New York, I went to my little temple and prayed to Lord Shiva, the universe, to any entity that I thought might answer. I prayed for strength and courage to make the changes I needed to make. I needed to stop drinking endless amounts of espresso and Red Bull, working twenty-seven hours straight, and obsessively working out. My life had jittered out of control.

Fortunately, I found strength and courage to travel to the Himalayas. I enrolled in yoga, dance, Ayurveda, and various other healing programs. This is when the transformation happened. Once I started on the healing path of yoga. I felt so alive with so little. Sitting on the banks of Ganges, listening to the crows and a palm tree rustle overhead, I resolved to help people have the same healing experience.

Originally, I thought of bringing people to the Himalayas. However, as I reflected on this impulse for the months to come, I realized, I also should bring this healing and products to those who can’t travel. I wanted everyone to be able to experience the gifts of the Himalayas in their own homes.

Our Inspiration

The Inspiration Behind Gypsy Ātman

The Place


We pay homage to the divine landscape of the mountains.

The People


Come connect with genuine, like-minded humans.

The Philosophy


Ancient knowledge, ancient healing.

Ready to heal with us?

Click here to learn more about our healing & lifestyle planning.