Travel with us to travel within.

Unparalleled, unforgettable, and soul-changing retreats in the heart of the Indian Himalayas.

Gypsy Atman offers a travel experience unlike any other:

Our eco-friendly retreats in the ancient mountains of India are all meticulously curated by our founder and travel aficionado, Riri Patel. India is known as the Land of Faith and will offer you deeply spiritual, life-altering experiences. From the chai sellers to the taxi drivers, to the flower children, to the dogs and cows, every being here is imbued with a spiritual depth that is unparalleled by any other land. Merely being here will alter your perception of the world and – more important – how you fit into it as an individual. Through Riri’s curated retreats you will have an authentic experience that a commercial organization can’t provide for you. Since she has spent years living in and traveling throughout India, she can handpick the places that are the most conducive to creating altered perceptions of your true self (ātman) as well as the world around you. If you take part in this search with sincerity, under a knowledgeable guide such as Riri, you will gain everlasting benefits that you can bring into your day-to-day life. The essence you will soak up from this land will continue to help center and guide you through your days, imbuing them with deeper insight.
“We are ‘a gypsy’ at the core. All of us are travelers on this planet. Here to stay for a short time. So let’s go on a journey. Travel with us to travel within;  to reach into your atman.”

– Riri Patel

If you want to get away from the daily grind, look no further than our road trips and retreats – which will bring you to the sacred waters of the Ganges, the iconic and rustic villages of Kumaon, the adventure valley of Kullu Manali, and the unexplored mountainside of Lahaul and Spiti. You will practice yoga, and study ancient philosophy and Ayurveda with qualified teachers. You will explore ancient spiritual sites and taste locally sourced food straight from the farmer’s market.

If you want to make a change in your life and get in touch with your spiritual self (ātman), there’s no better way than to tour with us. Grab your ticket, pack your bags, and join us on the adventure of a lifetime.

Kinnaur & Spiti: The Land of Fairytales and Adventure

Dates: Fall 2021

This retreat is designed for travelers who want a work, social media, and lifestyle detox. We’ll travel a region between India and Tibet that is filled with sweeping landscapes dotted with llama herds, mountain ranges, and frozen lakes. See the “Land of Fairytales” for yourself as we journey through scenic Shimla, unexplored Kinnaur, and adventure-filled Spiti.

Rishikesh, Uttarakand: Visit the Yoga Capital of the World

Dates: February 12-19 , 2021

Rishikesh is a spiritual destination for soul-seekers who want to experience a calming, recharging retreat in an ancient region where sages and yogis have meditated for centuries. Our Rishikesh retreat is focused on Ayurveda, spirituality, yoga, and healing.

We Do More Than Just Retreats

Travel Concierge

Are you looking for a completely customized travel itinerary for your family vacation, girls’ trip, or honeymoon? We know the best hidden gems in the Himalayas. From budget backpacking to glamping to luxury spa vacations, we will curate a trip specifically designed for you.

Community Partners

We partner with locals throughout the Himalayas to give our guests the true pahadi experience – we want you to meet the local community, learn about their livelihoods, and share in their history. Our community partners are local farmers, artisans, and guides throughout the villages to which we travel.

Spiritual Diva

Spiritual Diva is our community of like-minded health, wellness, and travel enthusiasts committed to open conversations about spirituality, wellness, mindfulness, and health in the spirit of Gypsy Ātman’s mission. Learn more about our upcoming meetups and workshops at the link below.

Interesting Himalayan Facts

  • At Gypsy Ātman, we are gypsies. We travel. We travel to the mountains, along rivers, and across oceans. We travel without an itinerary, aim, or goal. Only once we get completely lost, do we find ourselves and our bliss.

    – Facts Legend
  • Although we are gypsy travelers, we also believe in the ancient idea of sama, evenness. Only when you are completely balanced in your own self, in your ātman, can you truly be free to experience the bliss life has to offer.

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  • As a high-profile wedding planner, our founder, Riri, knows firsthand the exhaustion created by a go-go life. After studying with different masters in India, she learned there is more to our precious time here than glitz and glamour.

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  • Through our specialized intuitive healing & lifestyle planning regime, we have curated the best of what Riri discovered in India. Our dedicated and unique teachers will guide you on your inner journey within the comfort of your own home.

    – Facts Legend

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